Quilt Contest

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Category 1

"We The People"

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Category 2

"Colorado Architecture - Buildings & Bridges"

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Title: Nannette Locke – Aurora, CO - “We Absolutely Know...WOKE”
Author: Deleted user
Votes: ?

Category: We The People
Views: ?
Description: The Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America empowered with the sovereign authority of the people. Signed in Independence Hall on September 17, 1787, the Constitution is a truly remarkable means to advance the premises of the American Republic stated eloquently in 1776 in the Declaration of Independence. A great Chief Justice once said, "The Declaration is the promise, the Constitution, its fulfillment." To fairly apply the Constitution and its structure to contemporary problems, one must never travel far from the "self-evident truths" that men and women are "created equal;" that unalienable human rights flow from the "Laws of Nature and Nature's God;" and that the purpose of any government, including the one established under the American Constitution, is "to secure these rights." The theme of Nannette’s Quilt is “We Absolutely Know...WOKE.” The title is meant to be thought provoking, and Nannette hopes that the person looking into the Quilt will enjoy the view in reflection and soul searching. The color of the hands represents all races and ethnicity as well as the LGBQ+ persons who are frequently discriminated against because of who they love… Figurative WOKE means…being socially and politically awake or aware. The term was notable enough to prompt a 1962 New York Times article commenting on black slang, titled “If You’re Woke You Dig It.” The slaying of Black Men and Black Women nationally is disappointing when citizens expect that a police officer arrives on the scene to protect all citizens! Race relations are at an all-time low. Black Lives Matter! A closer look summons Nannette to reflect that All Lives Matter, and it is important to remember that WE are all precious and not replaceable in our Creator’s eyes.

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